Turning Straw Into Gold…once upon a time?


I love a good Halloween costume. Oh, I love a good costume any time of year!

I’m so glad there are people out there, like me, who appreciate a good costume – so here’s a few pictures for you!

DSC_0045Around 10:45pm on the 31st some friends stopped by my parents house (where I am currently visiting) to show us their costumes.

I tried to give this photo an icy/chilly look…her skin isn’t normally this blue looking.

They were on their way home from an evening performance (with the STARS Foundation) and called to see if we were home.


BOY, was I glad I was in town! ART work like this must be appreciated.


Their mother Rebecca, (she has a mother load of talents) whipped up these costumes, and spent the morning doing their hair/make-up.


Each girl dressed as one of the characters from the T.V. show Once Upon A Time.

Without reveling too many of her secrets, I can tell you a table cloth, a table place mat, and roughly, a billion safety pins may be involved.

someone please remind me BEFORE I begin taking photos to CHECK my focus!!
someone please remind me BEFORE I begin taking photos to CHECK my focus!!

So, not saying that she took some average girls and made them beauties…

she took some average items and made these beautiful girls into storybrooke characters.

This is just a picture, no teenaged boy was harmed in the making of this photo. Also notice the arrow has no tip.
This is just a picture, no teenaged boy was harmed in the making of this photo. Also notice the arrow has no tip.

Talk about turning straw into gold.

My brother is probably hearing the song "Cupid."
My brother is probably hearing the song “Cupid” by Sam Cook.

Now, I could blame the fact that I had morning full of chores, followed by a long day on the road for some blurry pictures…but, as it turns out, I left the lens on manuel mode and took several pictures before I even looked…

he wishes....
he wishes….

which, for me, is a tale as old as time.

Hope everyone had a good and safe weekend!